修复 Steam 客户端的 5 种方法(刷新/修复/重新安装 STEAM) 您所在的位置:网站首页 steam host修复 修复 Steam 客户端的 5 种方法(刷新/修复/重新安装 STEAM)

修复 Steam 客户端的 5 种方法(刷新/修复/重新安装 STEAM)

2024-07-09 05:48| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Steam是一个出色的平台,您可以使用其基于云的游戏库无限制地下载和畅玩数百万款游戏。您可以在一台计算机上下载游戏,也可以使用Steam在另一台计算机上进行流式传输。它是用户友好的,可以免费下载和使用。此外,您可以与来自世界各地对视频游戏有着共同热情的人们联系起来。但是,steam 只能在 PC 上运行,目前还不支持Android设备。此外,一些用户面临与Steam相关的不同问题。由于大多数人都知道通常重新安装应用程序有助于解决所有问题,但在这种情况下不建议这样做。用蒸汽(Steam),您可能会丢失存储在其中的游戏数据和设置。从你最喜欢的游戏的1 级(Level 1)开始会很令人沮丧,不是吗?或者,您可以尝试修复Steam,这是一个更好的选择。继续阅读以了解如何在 Windows 10 台式机或笔记本电脑上修复 Steam 客户端。(Read on to learn how to repair Steam client on Windows 10 desktop or laptop.)

如何修复 Steam 客户端

如何在 Windows 10 上修复 Steam (How to Repair Steam on Windows 10 )

在本节中,我们整理了一份Steam修复工具列表,并根据用户的方便程度对其进行了排列。因此,在您找到适用于您的 Windows 10 PC 的解决方案之前,请实施这些。

方法一:验证游戏文件的完整性(Method 1: Verify Integrity of Game Files)




1. 启动Steam并选择LIBRARY选项卡。

启动 Steam 并导航到 LIBRARY。

2. 现在,单击主页(HOME )并搜索您遇到错误的游戏。(Game)

现在,单击 HOME 并在库中搜索您无法听到音频内容的游戏。

3. 然后,右键单击游戏(game )并选择属性...(Properties… )选项。


4. 切换到本地文件(LOCAL FILES )选项卡,然后单击验证游戏文件的完整性...(Verify integrity of game files… ),如下图所示。

现在,切换到本地文件选项卡并单击验证游戏文件的完整性... 如何修复 Steam 客户端


另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Steam 应用程序加载错误 3:0000065432(Fix Steam Application Load Error 3:0000065432)

方法二:刷新 Steam 文件(Method 2: Refresh Steam Files)


1. 同时按Windows + E keys 启动文件资源管理器(File Explorer )。

2. 现在,导航到Steam文件夹。

3.使用Ctrl + A keys选择所有(Select all)文件并按Delete,除了下面提到的两个文件:

Steam.exe 可执行文件 Steamapps 文件夹

现在,导航到 Steam 文件夹。

4.重新启动(Reboot )您的电脑。

5. 现在,再次导航到Steam文件夹

6. 双击可执行文件Steam.exe重新安装所有文件。

注意:(Note: )请勿使用任务栏(Taskbar)或快捷方式打开(Shortcut)Steam。

一旦成功修复,您将能够毫无问题地使用Steam 。

方法三:使用命令提示符修复 Steam 客户端(Method 3: Use Command Prompt to Repair Steam Client)

以下是使用命令修复 Steam 的方法:

1. 按Windows键并键入cmd。然后,单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator),如图所示。


2. 在命令提示符(Command Prompt)中键入以下命令,然后按 Enter:(Enter:)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\bin\SteamService.exe” /repair



另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何修复 Steam 不下载游戏(How to Fix Steam Not Downloading Games)

方法 4:使用命令提示符修改设置 (Method 4: Use Command Prompt to Modify Settings )

或者,您可以启用Kernel Integrity,关闭Kernel Debugging并启用Data Execution Prevention。以下是通过输入所需命令来修复Steam的方法:(Steam)

1. 关闭Steam中的所有任务并单击(十字)X 图标( (cross) X icon)退出(Exit)应用程序。

2.按照上一方法的说明以管理员身份启动命令提示符。(Command Prompt as administrator)

3. 键入给定的命令并在每个命令后按Enter以启用内核完整性(enable kernel integrity):

bcdedit /deletevalue nointegritychecks bcdedit /deletevalue loadoptions

在 cmd 中键入命令以恢复启动设置,然后按 Enter。

4. 接下来,键入bcdedit /debug off并按Enter以禁用内核调试(disable kernel debugging),如图所示。


启用数据执行保护 (DEP) 的命令

6. 最后,重新启动您的 PC(restart your PC)并再次启动 Steam。


方法 5:重新安装 Steam(Method 5: Reinstall Steam)

如果其他修复Steam(Steam)客户端解决方案对您不起作用,这是最后的手段。当您从系统中完全卸载应用程序并重新安装时,与软件程序相关的所有故障和错误都可以解决。请按照下列步骤在Windows 10 PC上重新安装Steam :

1. 按Windows键并键入应用程序。(apps.)然后,按 Enter(Enter)打开“应用程序和功能”(Apps & features)窗口。


2.在搜索此列表(search this list)栏中搜索steam 。

3. 现在,选择Steam并点击Uninstall,如下图所示。

注意:(Note:)如果程序已经从系统中删除,您将收到一条消息,我们在此处找不到任何可显示的内容。仔细检查您的搜索条件(We couldn’t find anything to show here. Double-check your search criteria)。


4. 在Steam 卸载(Steam Uninstall)窗口中,单击卸载(Uninstall)按钮以移除 Steam。现在,您已成功从系统中删除 Steam。

现在,通过单击“卸载”确认提示。 蒸汽修复工具

5. 点击此处附上的链接(link attached here)下载Steam。

最后,单击此处附加的链接在您的系统上安装 Steam。 如何修复steam客户端

6. 导航到下载(Downloads)文件夹并打开Steam 设置文件(Steam Setup file)。

7. 在Steam 设置(Steam Setup)向导中,单击下一步(Next )按钮。

在这里,单击下一步按钮。 蒸汽修复工具

8.使用Browse...选项选择(Browse… )Destination 文件夹(Destination folder),然后单击Install。

现在,使用浏览...选项选择目标文件夹,然后单击安装。 蒸汽修复工具

9. 等待安装完成,点击完成(Finish),如图。

等待安装完成,然后单击完成。 蒸汽修复工具



如何修复开发错误 6068(How to Fix Dev Error 6068) 如何从 GIPHY 下载 GIF(How to Download GIF from GIPHY) 如何在窗口模式下打开 Steam 游戏(How to Open Steam Games in Windowed Mode) 如何在 Windows 10 上更改 CMD 中的目录(How to Change Directory in CMD on Windows 10)

我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够在 Windows 10中(in Windows 10 )修复 Steam(repair Steam) 客户端(Client) 并在需要时重新安装它。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。

5 Ways to Repair Steam Client (Refresh/Repair/Reinstall STEAM)

Steam is an excellent platform where you can enjoy downloading and playing millіons of games without any limit, using itѕ cloud-based gaming library. You cаn download a game on one computer and you can stream it on another cоmputer, using Steam. It is user-friendly and free to download & use. Moreover, yоu can connect with people from all around the world with a common passion fоr video games. Howеver, steam can only bе operated on a PC and does not suppоrt Αndroid devices as yet. Alѕo, a few users have faced different issues associated with Steam. Sincе most of you know thаt reinstalling the application usually, helps to fix all issues, but it is not recommended in this сase. With Ѕteam, you might lose games datа and settings stored in it. It woυld be quite depressing to start from Level 1 of your favorite game, wouldn’t it? Alternatively, you can try to rеpair Steam, which is a better option. Read on to learn how to repair Steam client on Windows 10 desktop or laptop.

How to Repair Steam Client

How to Repair Steam on Windows 10

In this section, we have compiled a list of Steam repair tools and arranged them according to user convenience. So, implement these until you find a solution for your Windows 10 PC.

Method 1: Verify Integrity of Game Files

It is essential to verify the integrity of games and game cache to ensure that your game runs on the latest version. The process involves replacing corrupt files in Steam and repairing or replacing these with proper files. This method is a simple fix to the problems associated with Steam games and works for most users.

Note: The files saved in your system will not be affected.

Although it is a time-consuming process, it is worth a shot, rather than uninstalling the same completely. To verify the integrity of game files, follow the steps mentioned below:

1. Launch Steam and select the LIBRARY tab.

Launch Steam and navigate to LIBRARY.

2. Now, click on HOME and search for the Game with which you are facing errors.

Now, click on HOME and search for the game where you cannot hear audio content in the library.

3. Then, right-click on the game and select the Properties… option.

Then, right click on the game and select the Properties… option.

4. Switch to the LOCAL FILES tab, and click on Verify integrity of game files… as depicted below.

Now, switch to the LOCAL FILES tab and click on Verify integrity of game files… How to repair steam client

5. Wait for Steam to check game files and download and replace any missing or corrupt files. Lastly, launch the Game and check if the problem is fixed.

Also Read: Fix Steam Application Load Error 3:0000065432

Method 2: Refresh Steam Files

For many users, just by refreshing Steam files, they could repair Steam. You can try it too:

1. Launch File Explorer by pressing Windows + E keys together.

2. Now, navigate to the Steam folder.

3. Select all the files using Ctrl + A keys and press Delete, except the two files mentioned below:

Steam.exe executable file Steamapps folder

Now, navigate to the Steam folder.

4. Reboot your PC.

5. Now, navigate to the Steam folders again

6. Double-click on the executable file, Steam.exe to reinstall all the files.

Note: Do not open Steam using Taskbar or Shortcut.

You will be able to use Steam without any issues once it has been repaired successfully.

Method 3: Use Command Prompt to Repair Steam Client

Here’s how to use commands to repair Steam:

1. Press the Windows key and type cmd. Then, click on Run as administrator, as shown.

Select Run as administrator to open Command Prompt as administrator

2. Type the following command in Command Prompt and hit Enter:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\bin\SteamService.exe” /repair

Enter the following command to repair steam client in cmd and hit Enter.

Now, launch Steam and check if everything works well.

Also Read: How to Fix Steam Not Downloading Games

Method 4: Use Command Prompt to Modify Settings

Alternately, you can enable Kernel Integrity, turn off Kernel Debugging and enable Data Execution Prevention. Here’s how to repair Steam by entering the desired commands:

1. Close all the tasks in Steam and Exit the application by clicking on the (cross) X icon.

2. Launch Command Prompt as administrator as instructed in the previous method.

3. Type the given commands and press Enter after each to enable kernel integrity:

bcdedit /deletevalue nointegritychecks bcdedit /deletevalue loadoptions

type the command to restore boot settings in cmd and hit enter.

4. Next, type bcdedit /debug off and hit Enter to disable kernel debugging, as depicted.

command to turn off kernel

command to enable Data Execution Prevention (DEP)

6. Finally, restart your PC and launch Steam again.

Check if the issue is solved. If the problem still persists then, follow the next method on how to repair Steam.

Method 5: Reinstall Steam

This is the last resort if other how-to repair Steam client solutions haven’t worked for you. All glitches and errors associated with a software program can be resolved when you uninstall the application entirely from your system and reinstall it again. Follow the steps listed below to reinstall Steam on Windows 10 PC:

1. Press the Windows key and type apps. then, hit Enter to open the Apps & features window.

Now, click on the first option, Apps and features.

2. Search for steam in the search this list bar.

3. Now, select Steam and click on Uninstall, as illustrated below.

Note: If the program is already deleted from the system then, you will receive a message, We couldn’t find anything to show here. Double-check your search criteria.

Finally, click on Uninstall.

4. In the Steam Uninstall window, click Uninstall button to remove steam. Now, you have successfully deleted Steam from your system.

Now, confirm the prompt by clicking on Uninstall. steam repair tool

5. Click the link attached here to download Steam.

Finally, click on the link attached here to install Steam on your system. How to repair steam client

6. Navigate to the Downloads folder and open the Steam Setup file.

7. In the Steam Setup wizard, click on the Next button.

Here, click on the Next button. steam repair tool

8. Choose the Destination folder by using the Browse… option and click on Install.

Now, choose the destination folder by using the Browse… option and click on Install. steam repair tool

9. Wait for the installation to be completed and click on Finish, as shown.

Wait for the installation to be completed and click on Finish. steam repair tool

Launch a game and check if the issue is fixed now.


How to Fix Dev Error 6068 How to Download GIF from GIPHY How to Open Steam Games in Windowed Mode How to Change Directory in CMD on Windows 10

We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to repair Steam Client in Windows 10 and reinstall it if needed. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.






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